From all over the world to Tyrol
From Tyrol to the world

Both in his time as a world-class dancer and in his 14 years as director of the Tiroler Landestheater dance company, Enrique Gasa Valga stood for emotion and drama. Even his retirement from the theater aroused emotions rarely seen in Tyrol.

"My goal has always been to touch the audience from the very first minute and transport them into another world for two hours. In my self-image, that is the reason for my work."

But every choreographer is only as good as the dance company they are allowed to work with. Over the last 14 years, many great artists have found their way to Innsbruck and made their careers from here. We want to maintain this wonderful tradition.

We are a touring company!

Our new company will take the enthusiasm that Enrique and his dancers have sparked in Tyrolean audiences over the last 14 years out into the world. We want to create great productions, present them to our home audience and then take them on tour. We want to become a visible, high-quality and modern calling card for Tyrolean culture at home and abroad.

Gasa Valga Dance Company

Guests for 2025

  • Cosme Tablada Moreno

    Guest dancer season 2024/25

The Limonada Dance Company is always on the lookout for new talent. We offer internships, look for dancers for guest performances and - if talent and budget allow - we offer permanent positions in our company.
Interested? Then send us your CV!